The Governing Body

When possible our Governing Body join us in activities such as class trips, sports day and swimming galas, listening to children read in Welsh and English weekly, World Book Day and enrichment clubs.

Current Governing Body
(September, 2022)

Name Governor Type End Date
Mr Steve Alderman Community
Mr James Allen Local Authority
Rev Joan Allen Chair of Governors
Mr Tom Bean Parent
Mrs Claire Morris Parent
Mrs Julie Davies Head Teacher
Mrs Jenifer Llewellyn Local Authority (Vice Chair)
Ms Anna Shiels Teacher
Mrs Kathleen Watkins Additional Community
Mrs Georgina Wheeler Foundation
Mr Jonathan Williams Staff
(Vacancy) Parent
(Vacancy) Parent

Annual Governor Parent Report

The Governing Body and Head Teacher provide an annual report for parents which provides information on school life during the previous year, plans for the future and reports on pupil’s targets and achievements compared to the national standards.