Religious Education & Collective Worship
Religious Education
Being a Voluntary Controlled school, the curriculum is based on an understanding and application of Christian beliefs and principles. Other religions are mentioned although the vast majority of RE is based around the bible and Christian calendar.
Parents are invited to join us in celebrating at our Harvest Festival, Christingle and Carol Service at the Parish Church.
RE is taught through differing approaches, either as part of the theme or as a distinct entity.
Parents wishing to withdraw their child from RE may do so after consulting with the Head Teacher.
Collective Worship
The subject matter of our assemblies should not be confused with the RVE subject matter which is delivered as part of the Curriculum for Wales (or, National Curriculum).
The emphasis of our services is moral development – honesty, trust, respect, care, love etc. This means that bible stories are used to underpin the principle rather than standing alone. Children are given the opportunity to reflect.
Assemblies involve the whole school in a collective act of worship in the hall. The Headteacher and staff all lead assemblies. The Rev. Alex regularly leads assembly for the children at school and at St Florence church.
Parents may withdraw their child from assembly after consultation wit the Head Teacher.
The school day ends with a prayer.