Useful Information for Parents & Carers

The School Day

For most children, the school day begins at 8:45am, when they arrive at school. The register and lunch orders are taken at 9:00am. For those attending breakfast club, arrival can be anytime after 8:00am (when the breakfast club opens).

We work on a ‘flexible break’ model, meaning that morning break can be taken when the children need it. This allows for work to continue if they are in the flow, and to cut sessions shorter if that is what is needed. Morning break is a time for fresh air, socialising and a healthy snack.

Lunch is always at 12:00pm and lasts until 1:00pm. All children tidy, wash up and say grace before gathering in the hall for lunch.

The younger children in the school will have an afternoon break. This is optional for the older children, who will often take a shorter rest break but also have the option to continue working if they are in the zone.

The school day begins and ends with a prayer specially chosen (or in some cases written) by each class,

Year 6 Transition

Generally, the children of Penrhyn go on to attend Pembroke’s Comprehensive School, Ysgol Harri Tudur. The transition process begins early in the year, with information being passed from Penrhyn to Ysgol Harri Tudur.

Later in the year, a run of transition days, activities and projects are run to support the children in acclimatising to their future environment. Additional transition activities will always be sought for those that need it, with all information being clearly communicated with parents in advance.

If you have any queries regarding your child’s transition to secondary education, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to support and guide you.

Useful Links 

Below are a selection of websites and resources that may prove beneficial to parents and carers:

Department for Education (an overveiw of the role of the Welsh Government in education)

Curriculum for Wales (an insight into the new Currciulum for Wales and the possibilities that it proposes)

BBC Bitesize (a great bank of resources on almost every subject – beneficial for all ages)

Penrhyn School Twitter (a link to our Twitter page, useful for keeping up to date with information from the school)


Parents are encouraged to use the school uniform:

  • White or navy polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan (again, with or without the shcool logo)
  • Grey or black trousers or skirt
  • Blue gingham dress or grey shorts for summer

Some additiona information to note:

  • No high heels are to be worn to school
  • Children may wear a watch when they are learning to or can tell the time
  • No makeup or nail varnish is to be worn to school
  • Long hair is to be kept tied back (this applies to boys and girls)

For PE, children should bring:

  • White or navy top (polo or crew shirt)
  • Sports shorts or bottoms (in black, grey or navy)
  • School or non branded sweatshirt
  • Suitable trainers

For swimming, children should bring:

  • One piece swimming costume
  • An appropriately sized towel
  • Swimming hat (compulsory & available from school)
  • Googles (optional)

School uniform can be purchased at: (01834 845253)